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Manufacture of Explosive Turkey

Manufacture of Explosive Turkey
NO #008593
FİRMA Patlay?c? Madde ?retimi YAVAişALAR Av ve Spor Malzemeleri
GİRİŞ TARİH 14.01.2011 Digg Facebook Google Mixx Myspace Newsvine Stumbleupon Technorati Tumblr Twitter Yahoo
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Manufacture of Explosive Turkey . DESCRIPTION OF OUR COMPANY, 70-year-old with a commercial Yavaşçalar Inc., in the middle of the 1980s through manufacturing, Turkey, the sector has the most diverse products of the national capital, private sector companies have shown success. Initially, the family elders, just as a hobby interest resulting from commercial activities Yavaşçalar Inc., today has many qualified element, exportsemployment, providing an important contribution to the country's economy is continuing its activities as an industry leader. Company, 700,000 m2 open, 20,000 m2 closed area, 70,000,000 per year hunting cartridge shellsaudio, produces 20,000 tons of explosives. Shows the human health care, taking the CIP document registered its Yavaşçalar Inc., is the quality of production discipline, CE, ISO 9001-2008has registered with TSE. Yavaşçalar Inc., the customer satisfaction, customer relationships established within the department to provide uninterrupted service. Company, product development, step by step followed the developments in the market with its experienced staff. Yavaşçalar Inc., the global changes in the sector have been following closelycontinuously investing in new technologies. Factory: Village Kavakli, Gain Role, Balikesir 10024 Turkey Tel. : +90266 Fax: +90266 E-mail:  Main Office:  Balikesir 10100 Turkey Tel: +90266Fax: +90266E-mail: